Well, 2020 is finally behind us and one thing it showed us was that staying the course and avoiding emotional investment decisions proved to be beneficial for our clients.
2021 has opportunities for growth and our firm will make portfolio adjustments as needed moving forward. Being US-centric in your investing, as well as, trimming overvalued stocks is a good strategy to have but do your research.
As we have said before, stay away from Bitcoin… that it… unless you are willing to take on the boat load of risk that comes with it. Remember: buy things of value that have potential for growth earnings and sales. Don’t chase stocks!
Reducing your bond allocation is a good idea and remember to stay out of Europe with your investments.
Fee-Only Fiduciary Money Managers, like Rezny Wealth Management, are the only people you should entrust your wealth and retirement to. Call us today to schedule a consultation, (800) 618-8577